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Mazurka and Chip’s Puppies 2022

“Pepper” (Woofy World Mazurka) X “Chip” (Companion Creek Aspen’s Chip O’ Gold)
DOB: Oct. 17th, 2022
Expected Home Date: week of Dec. 19 – 24, 2022

We are excited to announce the arrival of three new members of the Woofy World Family. We have two chocolate parti males with one being a tri-colour, and one chocolate female tri-colour. They will be known as the Berry Litter.

Expected sizes: 15-22 lbs, Expected heights: 14-16″ to their backs

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 8 Weeks Old

The Berry crew are still doing well. They are all ready for their doctor’s visit to get all checked up and vaccinated. They are starting to learn to sit before eating now, and they are learning quickly.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 7 Weeks Old

The Berry crew are doing very well. They are on dry kibble now and are loving it. We have also gotten to individual kennels, and everyone is doing great. These guys are being fantastic (so smart).

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 6 Weeks Old

The Berry litter are a fun crew to have around. They are progressing nicely and will start night kennel training this week. They have already gotten used to being in a kennel as a group and are great with it. Solid food is going well, they are almost at 3/4 dry kibble, and we expect that they will be on totally dry kibble by the end to beginning of next week.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – Playing outside their pen

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 5 Weeks Old

Our Berry crew are having a great time running around and learning how to be playful loving little puppies. Pee mat training is still “in progress”, but we have been having some success. They are starting to climb all over us when we are sitting in their enclosure with them, so some of the no mouthing training is starting as well.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 4 Weeks Old

The whelping box is out and they are having some fun. They are now out exploring their pen and wrestling with each other on a regular basis. We are starting to see some personalities coming out, but at this point they may not stick. 🙂 The pee mat has been added as well, and training has begone. Although at this point in time it is just another thing to check out and play with.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 3 Weeks Old

Our Berry crew are doing great. They have moved away from the commando crawl and are starting to get their legs under them. Their whelping box will come out soon so they will have the run of their pen.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 2 Weeks Old

All the puppies are growing well. Their eyes have just opened and they are starting to move around more. Still not venturing far from mom.

Mazurka & Chip’s Puppies – 1 Week Old

Puppies are doing great. They are feeding well and are right on track for their weights. Moma is doing well and making sure they are all clean and topped up with milk.